A Message from Minsi Trails Council Campmaster Corps
Dear Unit Leaders and Program Planners,
In the spirit of the original Boy Scout Outdoorsman, Daniel Carter Beard, we hope that you had an enjoyable and active summer with your units.
For those not familiar with us, the Campmaster Corps is a Commissioner Level group of volunteers who serve as the liason for your short term camping experience during the "OFF" Season at our Council Camps. In the past, they have primarily taken care of check-in, check-out, and handled situations that happen over the weekend at camp.
We are proud to announce that the Campmaster Corps is revitalizing and wants to make each unit's experience at camp as awesome as possible. Now we understand that many units come to camp with a plan and may not need additional support. But do they know where to go if they run out of food for those unexpected visitors? Are there units that would like to teach Orienteering or Dutch Oven Cooking but just don't want to rely on Google?
This leads us to new initiatives being implemented to assist every unit that visits our camps in having the best weekend experience possible. Things like:
Campmaster Led Program Helps - A number of Campmasters have offered their expertise in areas like Orienteering, Fly Fishing, Native Americans in the outdoors, Dutch Oven Cooking, Basic and Advance Scoutcraft Skills as well as many other ideas that make Scouting in the outdoors a great experience for the new and the old alike.
Information Packets with "REAL" Information - Did your SPL break that last dozen of eggs? Where to go for Medical Emergencies? (Or Pizza) What is available in and out of camp for units to do? Special tips from those who have "been there and done that" at both camps. What Special Events might be coming up at camp and the Council that you may want to put into your programs.
Following are some dates for you to take notice of:
Annual Planning Meeting (August TBA) 7:00 at Council Service Center
Training / Planning Sessions
Camp Minsi - TBA 9:00 AM to 12:00
Trexler Scout Reservation - TBA 9:00 AM to 12:00
We had a lot of open weekends last year and it would be nice to add some more folks to our ranks. Please do not hesitate to contact me with any suggestions, ideas, or questions.
The Campmasters have been meeting throughout the summer to gather the best ideas and offer them to units for this coming season. For more information on these exciting opportunities, contact Minsi Trails Council Campmaster Chairman Jerome Phillips mtccampmaster@gmail.com